more introduction to try and set the stage for what I am working to
communicate. So far I have posted three pieces that are seeking to engage
myself and anyone who might stumble across this blog to “ponder” some thoughts
about our human identity and sexuality.
doubt I will change anyone’s mind. Those who agree might find some useful
information. Those who don’t agree…well I am simply trying to offer a cogent
exploration of the situation…and possibly, just maybe, you won’t think that
friend of yours who is a traditionalist…maybe you won’t think of her or him as
a bigot…it is why I had the three earlier pieces about dissent, about starting
in the wrong place, and about whether or not I am a bigot.
For me
this is not hypothetical. I am the voice of dissent in my church and I wonder…“Don’t
we need dissent—in fact shouldn’t we intentionally seek it?” Then after the
SCOTUS decision and me testifying at hearings and speaking from the floor of
our church’s national convention, I sure was led to believe I was a bigot.
Like I
said, I doubt I will change your mind, but I am going to look at Genesis
chapter one through three in the next few blogs…and I want to start in the
right place…I am not going to start with sex or sexuality…I am going to start
with the Person…the Individual…and see what the Bible has to say.
Let me
tell you how I approach Scripture. I think it is the Word of God. I don’t
worship the Bible, I worship the God of the Bible. That means that I tend to
expect the Bible to have meaning for me…and for us. One of the things that
happens when you begin to believe in Jesus…in the Word that became Flesh…is
that your mind stops marshalling all the facts of the universe against the
Bible, and instead you mind sees all these facts of the universe as testifying
to the God of the Bible.
I am
going to look at Genesis chapter one…creation and yes “male and female” and
there may be a tendency right now to jump to your conclusions about sexuality…but
hold off. Because while I am going to look at Genesis chapter one…it is not
where I am starting…
And now, after all the preamble,
I want to start in Genesis, chapter two, verse four.
These are the generations
of the heavens and the earth when they were created
in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens.
I really like the juxtaposition
of the word “generations” as compared to “in the day”…here we get a sense of the
prose…that there is a sense of chronological time that elapses and yet it is
all in a singular purpose…the singular “day” of the Lord.
While I just wanted to point
that bit out, it is not what I really want to get to. Check out verses five
through seven. Notice in verse five there is no “man to work the land.” Before
humanity is created there is this idea of work…I will return to that later, but
the idea of work is before “Adam and Eve eat the fruit.” In verse seven we get
to what I am really wanting to hone in on:
Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground
and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.
He formed us “out of the ground.”
Now I am not trying to be a literalist. I just want you to sense the intimacy
of God as He made us…it is like God is down on his hands and knees forming us…and
then He breathes his very breath of life into our lifeless mud-pie bodies…and
we become living creatures. The word for breath in Hebrew (I imagine you know)
is the same word for Spirit (or wind). God breathes his very Spirit into us.
So here is the question, “Who
are you at your core?” Furthermore, “What value do you intrinsically have as an
individual person?” Ephesians 2:10 says we are “God’s handiwork” which seems to
fit this story…but then Ephesians goes on to say the we are “created in Christ
Jesus to do good works which God has prepared for us in advance.” Created in
Christ Jesus…with a purpose. In fact it says earlier in Ephesians, 1:4 that “God
thought of us, before he thought of the world” (paraphrase from The Message
Bible)…and that also kind of fits what we have just read in Genesis.
So what is the big deal? The BIG
DEAL is You! You are a big deal. You are of infinite worth. You have the Spirit
of God in you! Unfortunately you and I live in a world where people keep
looking outside themselves for meaning and purpose and love (and I could go on
and on about that…think of all the things we do to fit in, or be noticed, or
have people “like us”, or…).
The point is that Genesis tells
us that if we want to understand who we are and our purpose, and if we want to talk
about who and how we are to have relationships…the point is we need to get
ourselves grounded in who we are as created by God.
Today in the world…compliments
of the sexual revolution…people describe themselves as sexual beings…to which I
say hogwash.
We…as individual persons…are
souls that are created by God and who contain his very Spirit…it is God’s
Spirit that first animated us and brought us to life…it is therefore seeking a
relationship with God that will satisfy the primal longing of our souls…we are
souls who happen to have bodies. We are not bodies that have souls…and so our
bodies and our sexuality is not our starting point…our starting point is being
filled with the Spirit of God.
We will get to sexuality in a
few blog posts…but let’s not rush past this point…savor it…go to church, sit in
a pew or chair, and ask God to fill you again with His life giving breath.
Oh...and the how many hands did God use when he was forming you?