Tuesday, March 10, 2015


What kind of a picture do I find for "getting rid of trappings?" I found this guy who looks pretty slick!

Today is Mark 7:14-23.

Yesterday I wrote that the Jewish people of Jesus day we so concerned about their identity that “surrounded by the occupying Roman force, (they) are so concerned to guard and protect their way, that they obsess over every little thing, all the while losing the big picture. They have become closed off, isolated, and are not sharing God and God’s love with others.”

We are still in that scene with Jesus…and he continues to shock them. He is driving at what it means to be “pure” or “holy” or “good.” What if we “switch it up?” What if a person trying to get us to understand what it meant to be American, burnt an American flag? What would your reaction be? I know some people burn the flag to indicated their hated. In this instance the person would tell you that they love America, but that you do not know what it means to be really an American. They certainly would have gotten your attention. Go back and read Mark 7:14-23….Jesus is in essence burning the flag by saying all foods are clean.
He is smacking them in the head to get them to understand what it is that makes a person a person of God…it is what comes out of them…out of their mouths and hands and feet…and HEART.

I do struggle with all the “trappings” of being a Christian. My black leather (imitation) Bible. My white collar…even sometimes my blog. I just got back from getting a cup of coffee…with my white collar. I was stopped several times while I was in a rush. I kept telling myself to relax, pay attention to the person, all the while thinking I needed to get my blog typed. What was in my heart? I can tell you why I have and do each little thing…why I wear a white collar…if I were in Jesus’ day, why I do not eat certain foods...but for those who do not know Jesus, if my heart is not right, then they will see someone who is either a little too slick, or even worse, someone with an angry heart. 

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