Today is Mark 5:1-20. It
is the story of the man who is so deranged, so possessed, that chains cannot
hold him. Jesus heals the man by sending his demons into a legion of pigs.
Bishop Wright in his commentary does a great job showing how Mark’s Gospel is
real literature, how this story really functions at three different levels. And
it clearly does. The “thing” that I wonder about is how do people who might
have a sort of abstract idea of God, but are not too interested in God, react
to this story?
My experience is that
people, who often are critical of Christians, level the charge that we are
literalists in reading the Bible. These folks then become even more literal with
the text than perhaps we would be. Now please do not misunderstand, I believe
Jesus healed this man and in an earlier post I wrote about demons. I write
about literalism because I think it shows that as modern people, part of us are
malnourished and underdeveloped in one aspect of our lives. We are so in tune
with science, technology and math (all of which I love)…that we have lost our
imaginations. We, when presented with something different, immediately subject
it to a rational, scientific, critical and even literal critique…we prevent the
message of the story to reach us.
So let me ask a different question.
When you read this story of Jesus healing this man, don’t you wish it were
true? I know the word “wish” is a word that you might immediately react to, so
let’s try a better word, hope. Don’t you hope that there really might be a God
who cares enough to act as Jesus did in the story? Can you imagine, can you
dream? People of faith are people of hope. We would say because of the person
of Jesus, his life, and all the eye witnesses of his presence, not just 2,000
ago…but for the last 2,000 years…that we can believe such a God is real…a God
who can help us deal with the legions of issues that confront us.
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